St. Joseph’s N.S.
Board of Management Meeting Agreed Staff Report October 17th 2023
Management and Building Leadership Capacity
The Board were thankful to Mr. O Connor and the Kiva Team for presenting the results of the Kiva (Anti- bullying) surveys in June. The results were very positive. However there were some areas that require attention. These areas will be a focus for our Kiva lessons in the coming months.
CPD/Staff Meetings
The Board were very pleased to hear about the huge amount of CPD, training, and school planning that has been undertaken by all staff members already this year. They commended the staff for their commitment and focus during these sessions.
The Board were presented with copies of our SIP, DEIS, ESD and Whole School Planning for 2023-2025. They wished to thank all staff members for their contribution to these documents. There was particular praise for the AP1s and AP2s who did a tremendous amount of work to put such comprehensive plans in place.
Health and Safety Updates
The Board were pleased to be informed that all 4th, 5th and 6th class children and a large group of parents have completed internet safety seminars during the month of September.
Community Relations
The Board wished to thank Ms. Thomas our HSCL who continues to do a magnificent job of engaging with so many parents and members of our school community.
The board are pleased to hear that our Parent Association with Mr. McEntee as chairperson is going from strength to strength.
During our meeting the following policies were reviewed and ratified…
o Child Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment o Sustainability Policy Statement
School- Remedial Works
The Board were pleased to be informed that some minor works will take place in the school during the Halloween break to improve our bathroom facilities and make some additional space for SET teachers.
Treasures Report
Our Treasures Report was presented to the Board who were pleased to learn that the school’s finances are in good order. They wished to thank Lisa Duffy for her fantastic work in compiling the figures for the report. They also noted that an analysis of our spending in areas such as printing and photocopying could form part of our targets for ESD.
School Events
There are several people to thank and congratulate for their various achievements and contributions to school life in St. Joseph’s in recent weeks.
- Ms. Donnelly and Ms Manning organised a hugely successful ‘Wellness Week’ for all staff and students. There were a number of excellent events during the week and €800 has been raised for SOSAD.
- Mr. Finegan and Mr. O Connor who have produced fantastic videos to help our staff and students learn some ‘Lámh’ signs.
- The Social committee have organised some very enjoyable events for staff in recent weeks.
Sr. Joan ended the meeting by expressing her gratitude to Ms. Roz, Mr. McEntee and the entire staff of St. Joseph’s. She praised the enthusiasm, leadership and work ethic shown by all staff since we returned to school. She acknowledged that a number of staff are facing huge challenges in their personal lives and she wished to remind them that the thoughts, prayers and support of the entire St. Joseph’s community is with them at this time.