Board of Management:
The body responsible for the running of the school is called the Board of Management. It is made up of eight people. The Board is elected every four years. The members of the board are representative of the various partners in education. The present Board of Management chairperson is Sr. Joan Watters.
Structure of the Board
Two nominees of the patron
School Principal, appointed ex officio
Staff member elected by the school staff
Two parents elected from parents of students attending school
Core board must then unanimously appoint two members from the wider community.
Composition of the new Board of Management 2023-2027
John Farrell (Chairperson/Patron’s Nominee)
Siobhan Duffy (Patron’s Nominee/Treasurer)
Dr. Roz Morris (Principal/Secretary)
Sinead Mc Gill (Staff Nominee)
Emilia Bratz (Parent Nominee)
Nevan Finnegan (Parent Nominee)
Bumni Salako (Wider Community)
Paul Mc Gee (Wider Community)