2021 has been made a special year of St. Joseph. Pope Francis has asked us to think about, learn about and pray to St. Joseph, who is the Patron Saint of our school. Our whole school community – students, staff, parents and management are under the special care and protection of this amazing man. What do we know about him?
- He was the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus.
- He was the foster father of Jesus and he cared for him like a loving father.
- He was a carpenter. He made things with wood
- He listened carefully to an angel sent by God and did what was asked of him.
- He protected the baby Jesus from King Herod’s soldiers by hiding in Egypt
- He was the provider of a happy home for Mary and Jesus in Nazareth
- He taught Jesus all he knew about God the Father and the Jewish faith
- He worried about Jesus when he got lost in Jerusalem and searched until he found him
- He is remembered on his feast day of March 19th
- He is the Patron Saint of all workers and is celebrated for this on May 1st
Try to say one of the prayers to St. Joseph below, as often as you can. You will be blessed!